Sunday, July 13, 2008

Parshat Pinchas

Numbers 25:10-30:1

Pinchas is made a "Priest". This is the only time that priesthood is given by virtue. For the rest of history it seems to be arbitrarily bestowed upon a "class" of people by birthright. Maybe we can hear what it means to be a priest, and while we're at it - how are we all "a kingdom of priests"? What was Pinchas' status before he was "upgraded"?

Then comes the division of the land. Once again, something given as an eternal birthright to every generation of a particular family, totally unrelated to a persons merit.

What is the historical context and ramifications of women (the daughters of Tzelafchad) being able to inherit the land? And why did it take a grass roots movement to be able to make it possible?

And finally we have an example where "class" doesn't seem to help. Instead of Moshe's sons taking him over, he taps Yehoshua to succeed him. Yehoshua is not his greatest student or even noted as a scholar. He is Moshe's "Shamash", but he is the one who is going to lead the Jews into Israel.

Last but not least we have the special animal sacrifices for the special times of the year.


Please post your comments about these things or ANYTHING else in this weeks parsha.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The main point of this blog is NOT to impart information in it's posts.
There are many websites that write about the Parshah much more eloquently than I would ever be able to do.
The point is to elicit comments, to inspire discussion, and to bring issues to the table before the class so that we can all research the topics and formulate our (possible) opinions before we come.