Sunday, August 26, 2007

Torah Reading for Week of Aug 26-Sep 1,2007 - Elul 12-18 5767

Parshah Ki Tavo - Devarim / Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8

Some interesting topics mentioned this week:
  • The different tithes - To the levites, to the poor, and one for yourself as long as you ate it in Jerusalem. Whats the point of the last one?
  • The Chosen Nation. Everyone always has a lot to say about that.
  • The Chosen G-D?!?
  • Once again physical blessings for doing what G-D wants and if you don't listen you better watch out!

Please comment on this post with your thoughts on these topics or anything mentioned in this weeks reading (you may have to signup with google).

As I mentioned at last weeks study group, I will not be able to make it this Wednesday. Please email me privately if you will be able to make it at 7pm on Tuesday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think the last tithe may be G-Ds way of encouraging us to invest part of our money in our own spiritual wellbeing.
It's like donating to community projects & institutions, where you benefit directly from it.
So G-D tells us "yes", that is also a form of charity. Therefore according to Jewish law that you need to tithes all of your earnings, donations to local community organizations can count towards that ten percent.